Wednesday, 11 January 2012

New (extra) physio

We took Lilian to her new physio today. This is the place that Eva from the Austrian feeding clinic recommended to us. It's called Kiki's Children's Clinic and is about 10 minutes drive away in Clapham.

Lilian is still very behind with her mobility. She can roll from front to back and walk if aided by one of us. She has strong legs and a good grip but her shoulders and arms are weak. She never went through the tummy time period because the tummy tube hurt her so she stayed on her back. This has led to Lilian not learning how to get from lying to sitting and then onto standing.

The aim of the clinic is to get her physio therapy into a higher gear by going a least once a week. At the minute she has a home visit once a month from the NHS. It's not cheap but we're get cover by my work health insurance which is great.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Curved spine

Lilian went to see the Chiropractor at hospital today. Because Lilian isn't so mobile (yet) she tends to have weak tummy muscles which can mean she leans too much. They did X-rays and all sorts of other tests. The result of the check-up was positive. She does have a slight curve but it's not very bad and can be corrected with exercise and time. Plus as Lilian becomes more mobile it'll build muscles which in turn will improve her posture.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Lilian's 2nd birthday

Lilian had her second birthday this Sunday the 8th. She happens to share the day with Mr David Bowie (my hero) and some old rockabilly fella called Evlis.

A Danish cake made by Mor mor and a chocolate number whipped up by Daddy.
We spent the day at Lilian's Grandparents house. Her Autine Hannah cooked a delicious roast for lunch. All the family came over and it was lovely. Lilian ate loads of food in her own way. Got loads of lovely pressies and was happily tired when we got home again.

All the photos can be viewed here link.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Heart fix

Lilian had a heart scan yesterday (for her heart defect since birth) and they don't want to see her again for 18 months! Yay Lilian!